Average Hourly Rate widget

Firm - View WIP and Profitability Information

This dashboard widget displays the average hourly rate for your firm, which will help you to see if your firm is performing efficiently. It will show the average hourly rate for your firm for each month of the year.

Each month CCH iFirm looks at what jobs have WIP items for the month and if they have a net amount of 0.00. Those jobs are then included in the calculation for the monthly average hourly rate.

The monthly average hourly rate = total amount invoiced for jobs with net WIP of 0.00 / total hours worked on those jobs.

Click View Client Report at the top right of the widget to open the Grouped Client Profitability report and see what information has made up the monthly rate. The report will load with the filters and dates pre-selected based on widget settings.

Click the Settings button  to change the: